Business Case

Given the size and sophistication of business and even divisions of businesses that are each totally diverse is a challenge to overcome this complexity of every business in a single tool . 

There is that tool,  the OneSense IIoT Platform that is provided as a Platform as a Service (PaaS) that changes the landscape for cyber risk as an avoidance strategy in operational technology in an OT network 

  • the new paridgm is data solutions that are achieved, typically in the middle space of any business.
  • applying the OneSense Platform and its comprehensive technology stack is the enabler to join each end of any business
  • all this capability and power is offered by OneSense as a PaaS Cloud platform by susbscription that is also a step change in lowering the cost of operations at any scale
  • the Platform is provides as an MVP so that this capability is client-driven meaning it is in the Tenants hands how it is used and applied
    • that may sound like further challenge, however OneSense has simplified the processing and configurations that can be achieved without the cost of highly skilled labour.  Our concice range of hardware product is all you may need, can be purchased from the OneSense Web, so everything you need for IoT and IIoT is all in one place, available anytime.
    • IoT and IIoT applications are also increasingly in the field typically being in mobile and remote  environments without mains power and normal communications. 
    • OneSense is designed to operate from anywhere and can be connected from anywhere communications can reach. OneSense can likewise be reached for anywhere and with device security by design so origional source data is the quality and owned data you need to ensure your operation.
    • Our proprietry connection hardware, communiction integration and routines for setup and operation are fully embedded in our managed Azure based Platform that provides the real-time trusted data for ingestion for licenced key Business applications. 
    • key capbility is Security of Devices and Zero Trust User Access control to change the landscape for Cyber risk in operational technology in a segregrated OT network
  • the base cost of an annual enterprise company PaaS subscription is equated to the cost of 1 skilled employee equivilant.  The hardware requirements worst-case are equivilant or lower procurement costs and lower integration costs
  • the complexity of IoT and Cloud application is simplified (not simple) by the OneSense Platform like no other holistic end-to-end integrations and configurations that has been a considerable concern for businesses in adopting change necessary to setup for the Future that is now an imperative. 
    • The imperative is change and that change comes through a digital transformation DX to leave the IP based IT networks to play out with the massive defence costs and multiple overlaid applications sitting on top of the Clients existing vulnerable IT network, that remains vulnerable without assurance from inevitable interusions.
    • Adding so many layered applications to attempt to protect the Clients existing network has multiple licencing costs for each layered application that is significantly more complex that has to be applied to maintain any viability of retaining the traditional ICT infrastructure.  A full DX with security of Devices in a holistic Platform is the smart strategic capability that will lead to lower costs as the two most important business decisions for implementation to setup Business for the Future.
  • DX to a modern Cloud is the intelligent strategic advance for growth, sustainability and competitive advantage whilst significantly lowering the costs of operations in one subscription or Licence that avoids CAPEX costs.
  • with a modern secure Cloud Platform inplace with a low cost subscription, business can advance their AI and workflows for any size Company or Utility to setup for the Future and focus on building their revenues leverage off the capability and power of a leading IoT and Cloud Platform.  The smart strategy is to consider and adopt the more advanced IoT and modern Cloud  that OneSense offers, for a trusted technology stack as a foundation platform that delivers the business own data in real-time that is trusted to improve the reliability and accuracy of your AI, all at lower cost of operations and for scale.
  • additional underlying benefits include all business functions that are all capable of being conducted on one Platform from anywhere as a tool for smart Business

Thus the Business Case for IoT that morphs into a Cloud Platform and then into Applications has some complexity when applying these technologies to any proposal, particularly to the many user cases that leverage from IoT.  However the principal business case is universal for the benefits that derive from the complete technology platform underlying the capability for the strategy of the entity building the business case.

IoT is the practical component of field devices that brings the opertional intelligence that is used to map the next generation of device driven data solutions through AI that is the Future of Business in a complex business environment.

Here are sample indicative scenarios to help guide your individual Business Case for DX applying the OneSense Platform adoptions at the leading edge of IoT and Cloud integration.

Green Enterprise scenario

Green Enterprise scenario content

Orange Operations scenario

Orange Operations scenario content

Pink Corporation scenario

Pink CorporationPink Corporation